My portfolio and my music page theme, wpex-tetris by WPExplorer, had not been maintained since February 25, 2019. However, due to conflicts and issues causing my site to break on May 2, 2024, I decided to start updating my current theme, wpex-tetris. Since May 2, 2024, I have added 153 commits to the theme and built a few plugins along the way.
Classic Comment Form Layout
Restores the classic WordPress comment layout.
Extended Tag Cloud Widget
Extends the default WordPress tag cloud widget with additional customization options.
RP Slider
Displays your latest posts in a slider with a maximum of 5 posts.
Simple Basic Author Box
A simple author box widget with social media icons, a website link, and optional email icons. It allows you to inject these icons into your theme’s built-in author box.
Simple Basic User Avatar
Enables users to upload and set custom avatars without the need for cropping beforehand.
Theme Optimizer
A plugin that adds lazy loading to images and optimizes JavaScript by adding async attributes. It also fixes HTML validation errors.
WPG Slider
A custom WordPress plugin that transforms galleries into responsive sliders. Inspired by Jetpack’s gallery feature, it replaces default WordPress galleries with sleek, interactive sliders to enhance user experience.
View and Contribute to the Current Theme:
Click the a below to view the source code or feel free to contribute to the project. No third-party libraries are allowed as my goal is to keep the theme as lightweight as possible.
stay tune as there will more thing coming in the feature.